

At First Friends we directly support career missionaries locally and nationally as well as provide support for stateside and international organizations through our tithes and offerings. We support missionaries through our denomination alongside other churches in the Evangelical Friends Church-Eastern Region through our giving to the Great Commission Budget.

We pray for the missionaries and organizations we support.

We go on mission trips to serve and spread the gospel in person.

Get Involved:

Join our First Friends Family in lifting up our missionaries in prayer.

Click here to PRAY NOW

Locally, we support the following organizations and people. If you are looking for a place to serve within our community we encourage you to look into the following options:

Some of our missionaries listed are involved in international mission organizations stateside to assist in recruiting, administration, logistics, and the pre-field training. Initials or partial names are used due working in closed countries.

Some of  these missionaries work in hostile, closed countries, and for their safety and the safety of local believers we cannot identify them online. Therefore, initials or partial names are used to identify.


Middle East



Mexico, Central, and South America


Russia and Ukraine

We participate in the sharing the truth of the Gospel and the completion of the Great Commission through the work of our denominational missionaries:

Evangelical Friends Missions


Scott Calhoun

Pastor of Outreach and Missions


Ext. 223

Gail Wallace

Administrative Assistant for Children's Ministry and Missions


Ext. 229