As First Friends Church in Canton, OH
We live to glorify God together by loving Him, making disciples, and proclaiming the gospel.
5455 Market Ave N
Canton, OH 44714
Service Times
Sunday Mornings
9:00am & 10:30am

Life got you overwhelmed?
Whether you’re working or working hard to raise a family, it can feel like you’re getting pulled in so many directions that it’s difficult to do anything well.
No matter how overwhelmed or inadequate you may feel, God has chosen YOU to lead your family.
We see you and we want to help you find real direction in life grounded in biblical truth.
First Friends Church
We believe that everyone should have somewhere to go and someone to turn to.
People that get you, a plan that gets you through
Small groups designed to help you connect with peers and grow closer to Jesus.

Authentic Community Matters
Life transformation happens with a safe place to be real with people that guide you back to the truth and hope found in Jesus.
“I’ve grown up going to FFC, and have continued to come to the church and grow in my walk with Jesus despite being in college where I’ve been presented with other church opportunities. When I was invited to join the worship team in high school, I couldn’t have imagined how God was going to use it to transform my life and to meet some of the best mentors I’ve ever had.
I’ve watched many friends over the years from school come to the sports programs when they had nowhere else healthy to go, and begin to find that they had a community and a God who loved them.”
– Rachel Stranger (20 years old)
Teaching that equips you
Each week you’ll uncover practical ways to apply the lessons of the Bible to everyday life.
Take your first step

Visit on a Sunday
Learn more about First Friends Church and what to expect on a Sunday.
Every Sunday at 9:00 and 10:30AM