Sermons Archive

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Remember: Hold on to the Truth
No matter how many times we hear the foundational truths of the Gospel, we can always be reminded of them again. The Apostle Peter, in his second letter, re- peatedly urges his readers to remember–because the more deeply founded they are in their knowledge of God, the more readily they will be able to identify and reject false teaching. Our context today is not that different. We need to be reminded of who Jesus is, what He has done, and the mission to which He has called the children of God. Join us as we listen in on II Peter in our new series, “Remember: Hold on to the Truth.”

Who Do You Say That I Am?
“Who do you say I am?” When Jesus asked his disciples this question, it was not because He was insecure or uncertain about His identity. Jesus was fully aware of who He was…but He wanted His followers to understand that He was the Messiah. And not only that, but eventually that they would know the kind of Messiah He would be. This Easter season we will be asked that same question: “Who do we say Jesus is?” Will we acknowledge His Lordship over us, or will we futilely try to relegate Him to a minor supporting role in our lives?